Large Tumbled Lepidolite

Large Tumbled Lepidolite


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TUMBLED LEPIDOLITE from Brazil. Size Large - approx. 1 to 1.25 inchces (2.5 to 3 cm), 15 to 19 grams.


TUMBLED LEPIDOLITE STONES are "stones of transition", allowing for smooth passage during change.

Other Lepidolite Meanings include:

clears electromagnetic pollution and can be placed on computers to absorb their emanations - treats illnesses caused by "sick building syndrome" or computer stress
insists on being used for the highest good
dissipates negativity
activates and opens the Throat, Heart, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness
aids in shamanic or spiritual journeys
accesses the Akashic Records
tunes you into thoughts and feelings from other lives that are currently creating a blockage in your life
can take you forward into the future
extremely useful for stress reduction and depression
helps with obsessive thoughts
relieves despondency
overcomes insomnia
helpful in stabilizing mood swings and bipolar disorders
excellent for overcoming any kind of emotional or mental dependency
supportive in releasing addictions and complaints of all kinds, including anexoria
as a "Stone of Transition", Lepidolite releases and reorganizes old psychological and behavioural patterns, inducing change
encourages independence and achieving goals without the help of others
stimulates the intellect and analytic qualities
helps with concentration and objectivity - speeding up decision making
focuses on what is important, helping one to ignore distractions
enhaces standing in your own space, free from the influence of others
Lepidolite is a calming stone that helps with sleep disturbances and emotional stress
brings deep emotional healing
relieves allergies
strengthens the immune system
restructures DNA and enhances the generation of negative ions
relieves exhaustion, eilepsy and Alzheimers
numbs sciatica and neuralgia and overcomes joint problems